2020, Entries: Secular Spirituality, Mindfulness for The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion edited by Adam Possamai and Anthony J. Blasi, London, Sage.

– “Uważno w społeczestwie sieciowym. Niech będzie dobrem wsplnym”, Mindfulness.Pl, Forum Media Polska.
– La sociologia clinica. Il campo e le sementi, Quaderni di Sociologia Clinica N.14, Forlì, Homeless Book.

– La fecondazione incrociata tra sapere contemplativo e pratica sociologica. Verso un approccio enattivo in sociologia clinica, Quaderni di Sociologia Clinica N.15, Forlì, Homeless Book.

-with Donald McCown “Life Skills for Peer Production: Walking Together Through a Space of “Not-Knowing”, #11 City, Journal of Peer Production.
-Chapter One “In search of a new compass in the Great Transition: Towards co-designing the urban space we care about” in Giorgino and Walsh (Eds.) 2018.
Giorgino V. and Walsh Z. (Eds.) 2018 Co-Designing Economies in Transition. Radical Approaches in Dialogue with Contemplative Social Sciences, London, Palgrave.
- Chapter 10, with ANTONINI A., BOELLA G. and CALAFIORE A. “First Life: From Maps to Social Networks and Back” in Giorgino and Walsh 2018.
2017 -with Xabier Renteria Uriarte “Is The Practical Wisdom Literature Actually Wise On Its Ontological ‘Right To Speak’? Towards An Ontological Underpinning Of Practical Wisdom´S Business And Learning Suitability: Ancient Philosophies And Modern Contemplative Social Sciences” in Kupers W. and Gunnlaugson (eds.) 2017 Wisdom Learning: Perspectives on Wising-Up Business and Management Education London, Routledge.
Related Presentations

- September 9-16 “A Life-centered perspective for a wise commons-based ecosystem” to “Going Digital? New Possibilities of Digital-Community Currency Systems” 5th Biennal RAMICS International Congress, Takayama, Japan.
- September 2-4 with Guido Boella “Wise Commoning in post-smart cities. Implementing disruptive technologies as a social experiment for urban flourishing”, University of Pavia, Pavia (IT).
- “Addressing relational work in co-designing collaborative and commons-based ecosystems with distributed ledger technologies” at the Reconsidering Blockchain, Seminar with Michel Bauwens and the European H2020 CO3 project, Institute de recherche et d’innovation (IRI), 19 February;
- “Almost unaware, not thought, unnamed. The silent work of experiencing and why sociologists missed it” at the Conference “Unspoken, Unseen, Unheard of. Unexplored Realities in Qualitative Research”, European Sociological Association (ESA), 6 – 8 September 2018, St. Gallen, Switzerland;
- with McCown D. “Opening a Contemplative Commons During the Great Transition: Reorienting the MBIs”, International Conference on Mindfulness (ICM) Track: Philosophical and Dharma Underpinnings, 11-13 July, Amsterdam;
- “Provisioning in the digital landscape. Assessing platform-supported ecosystems to foster collaborative commons at urban scale” at Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 17th Annual Science, Technology and Society (STS) Conference, 7-8 May, 2, Graz.
- “Secular contemplative knowledge without borders. A social sciences perspective for a post-modern world in the Great Transition”, Workshop Contemplative Science & Management, May 19-21, 2017, Corvinus University, Budapest;
- con Boella G. “FirstLife is a local social network to support urban commoning based on an interactive map”, XVI Biennial IASC Conference Practicing the Commons, 10-14 luglio, Utrecht;
- “An enactive approach to social life. Towards a Contemplative sociology framework” Research Stream 03, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, 29 August – 1 September, Athens;
- Coordinator of the Session on Technologies at “Towards a Contemplative Commons” Workshop, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), August 14-15, Potsdam, Germany.