WiseLifeLab is an action-research group established at the end of 2019. It is an initiative based at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Torino, applying a transdisciplinary approach that aims at co-designing networked ecosystems through transformative technologies.
The integration of various disciplines, methods and technologies is granted by a generative embodied orientation to recognize and cultivate life skills. These are basic sources of human intelligence and the pillar on which just and wise ecosystems can be built in a society of emergencies.
Under these premises, attention processes are understood as a social resource – a commons- enacted by sentient beings. Networks – as well as hierarchies and markets – are based on relational work between humans, things, living organisms and technologies. Such approach favours the development of human potential and life on the planet via self-organization and commoning.
Currently, we are mainly focused on the risk mitigation and management of the post-lockdown Covid-19 pandemic. Various projects are being developed: the valorisation of personal data for communities, the design of glocal system of interaction and transaction based on Distributed Ledger Technologies, a commons-based P2P insurance proposal etc.
All strategies and activities take into account the challenge launched by automation to the labour-income nexus and the opportunities that the Internet of Values offers to design new systems of provisioning and of valuing human contribution.
Our research work is combined with a significant commitment to intensive education and consultancy for organizations, communities and individuals. A “mindfulness in context” approach has been developed contributing to a commons-based model for self and group transformation.