An Appeal from Russian Scientists to stop the war in Ukraine

We are glad to share this appeal from Russian scientists agansit the war in Ukraina sent by Professor Gelina Kopeina (Professor of Medicine, Lomonosov University, Moscow) for a wider diffusion.

My dear colleagues,

I am writing to you in this horrible time with only one request.

Most Russian scientists have been trying to stop this insanity.

We have been signing open letters from different scientific societies. We have been going to rallies. Some people were arrested. I understand that it is not enough but we really try.

It is one of the many open letters:

Открытое письмо российских ученых и научных журналистов против войны с Украиной (полный список подписей) — Троицкий вариант — Наука (

Please, if you can and want, send this link to your colleagues who came from Russia. 

With kind regards,
Gelina S. Kopeina, PhD

Faculty of Medicine, MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Center For Transdisciplinarity in Research

The Center was established in 2017 with the aim of responding to the unavoidable challenges that have emerged in our society. Working between disciplines, at their borders, is the action needed nowadays more than ever in the production of knowledge. Our commitment is characterized by attention for vital processes and their protection in a context characterized by emergencies. This is pursued through the following crucial points:

·   experience as consisting of cognitive as well as emotional and sensorial domains intertwining personal skills and digital technologies and enhancing collective intelligence;

·   cultivating an effective methodological dialogue with those traditions of wisdom that contribute to the existential understanding of ourselves and the environment;

·   contributing to the emerging field of contemplative social science.

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